logistics in industries served
Logistics can be viewed as a connection between the manufacturing and marketing operations of an organization. Logistics is concerned with both materials stream and data stream. While the materials stream from the provider to buyer, the data streams the other way round. Additionally, client response also falls under the ambit of logistics.
ORGRO Solutions was trusted with this endeavour, beginning with A project cum training approach consisting of an amalgamation of classroom training and on the job learning was followed in the overall program. The program was hence divided into different modules, where the participants were asked to modify their attitude & behaviour towards work and daily life, strengthen their knowledge on process, product, standards and cost of deviations and were given exposure to concepts like DWM, 5S, 3M, Kaizen, PQCDSM etc.
The participants were made to understand the importance of problem solving & the methodology behind; Lateral thinking concept was also introduced. How to deal with difficult stakeholders and identifying and managing all stakeholders, specially the customer was emphasized through elaborative methods.